

What has John Reagan been doing for New Hampshire?


My first elected office in New Hampshire was as a selectman in Deerfield, New Hampshire and was reelected two more times. As a selectman I was the select board representative to the Planning Board. Currently as a member of town trustees of trust funds this three-person board protects and manages the cash reserves of the town dedicated to various purposes of civic responsibility.

Elected to the New Hampshire General Court in the 2006 election as a State Representative from Candia, Deerfield, Northwood and Nottingham. 2012 successfully sought and won the State Senate seat for Deerfield, Allenstown, Epsom, Pembroke, Pittsfield, Chichester, Northwood, Nottingham, Loudon, Strafford, and Raymond. Following six years in the House I was honored to spend ten years in the senate.

Along with the statutory committee assignments I was appointed to various committees and commissions, some short termed and some exceeding ten years. There are some designated JLC: Joint Legislative Committee meaning thy consist of members of both the house and the senate. Often the chairmanships alternate between chambers with each new election cycle.

For ten years I alternated between chair and vice-chair of JLC Administrative Rules. Chaired JLC Performance Audit and Oversight Committee; chaired JLC Employee Compensation; chair Capital Budget, vice-chair Senate Finance, vice-chair Executive Departments and Administration; chair Education; chair Oversight of Health and Human Services; chair of Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs; member of the first retirement commission; twelve year member of the Department of Children Youths and Families Advisory Board, twelve year member of the NH State Suicide Prevention Commission; supporter and member of the Board of Directors of the Pine Haven Boy’s Center; vice-chair of the Rockingham Delegation, member of the NH Canadian Trade Council; member information technology committee; chair of the Special Education Study Committee, school infrastructure committee; commission to fund medical care for abused and neglected children; committee to establish a fund  to reimburse Firefighters for costs associated with cancer; medical malpractice panel and insurance oversight committee; students receiving special education services attending a chartered public school; legislative oversight on employee relations; study pre-existing districts withdrawing from a cooperative school district; study the organization of the department of education and the job of the commissioner of education; therapeutic use of cannabis advisory council;  commission to study palliative care and associated quality of life initiatives; member Pittsfield School Improvement Committee.

My point being I have seen and worked with many state agencies and departments and understand what they do how they do and why they do what they do.


In my personal life am a single parent of two, active in Cubs and Boy scouts, youth soccer and baseball. Taught adult education and volunteered at a community ambulance service where I earned my EMT certification.

Served in and am retired from the Baltimore City Fire Department after 28 years of service. Commanded a HazMat unit and received terrorist attack training while being a lead responder to the Port of Baltimore.

While in Baltimore I owned and operated two Ace Hardware Retail Stores. Eventually I liquidated the stores as the big box stores ate away at our sales. Then contracted with the sales promotion company that conducted my liquidation sale and worked promotions in the US and Canada protecting the assets of many small businesses. Looking for a change of pace I trained as a Financial Planner and estate counselor.Retirement prompted me to return to my roots in New England and I have been here for the last 24 years.


• International Business Consultant out of Denver, Colorado
• Former board member Pine Haven Boys Center 
• 10 years Suicide Prevention Board
• 10 years DCYF Advisory Board
• 9 years Trustee of Trust Funds
• 6 years Planning Board
• 3 term Selectman
• 6 years state representative
• 10 years State Senator District 17


John’s Initiative Record

Cannabis Legalization

At the forefront, John was the author of the therapeutic legaization in the state of New Hampshire. He also supports a legalization approach that meets a number of strict conditions, establishing retail cannabis outlets that are tightly controlled by the state. Measures include keeping outlets way from schools, allowing towns to decide whether to permit a cannabis outlet; and providing state control over marketing, messaging, distribution, and access.

Budgetary Oversight

Government doesn’t just spend too much of your money; it loses too much of it too. Far too often, legislsture spends money on justified causes, but not on the people it was intended to help — they rarely see it come into their communities. To fix Americans’ trust in our government, real executive council oversight — actually following the money — is more important than ever. John vows to restore fiscal accountability through stronger budgetary oversight.

Chronic Pain Advocacy

Since chronic pain leads to significantly decreased quality of life, reduced productivity, lost wages, worsening of chronic disease, and psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders for patients, John championed the statute where treating practitioners can administer medicine sufficient to treat a patient's chronic pain based on ongoing, objective evaluations of the patient without fear reprimand or discipline from the DEA.

Education Advocacy

John created the Office of Special Education Advocate to help decrease the burden on parents of children with special needs within the education system. These children have learning disabilities, go to school in underfunded school districts, or experience educational disparities that put them at an early disadvantage to their peers. This early intervention aims to address these issues and others so that all children get an equal opportunity to learn and be successful.

Services for Abused &
Neglected Children

Child abuse and neglect causes trauma, which can impair brain development and is linked to physical, emotional, and behavioral issues later in life. John believes understanding the symptoms and risk factors for child maltreatment can help child welfare professionals and others identify and build on families’ strengths and natural supports to prevent and mitigate maltreatment and keep children safe.

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The Executive Council

The Executive Council of New Hampshire has the responsibility over the administration of the affairs of the State. The five member board must approve state contracts over $10,000, which represents the vast majority of spending in the state. 

Executive Councilors serve as watchdogs of the state treasury to ensure state departments do not spend more than was authorized by the legislature, nor allocate funds for items or services which the legislature has not sanctioned. This includes the vital 10 year highway plan, for which our district has over $125,000,000 allocated. 

Finally, the Executive Council approves the appointments of all Judges, Commissioners, Notary Public, Justice of Peace, the hundreds of appointments made by the governor and hears Pardon Requests.

At its core, the Executive Council is the people's ultimate check on the Executive Branch and ensures that the state government is as fiscally conservative as possible.


Where is District 4?

District Four covers 1/5th of New Hampshire's population and includes many of the towns that are the economic engines of the state. 

• Allenstown
• Auburn
• Barrington
• Barnstead
• Bedford
• Candia
• Chichester
• Deerfield
• Epsom
• Goffstown

• Hooksett
• Lee
• Londonderry
• Loudon
• Manchester (Wards 1-12)
• Northwood
• Nottingham
• Pembroke
• Pittsfield
• Strafford

“If we listen, we learn where legislation is needed.”

— John Reagan

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